3 cheese mac and cheese, stovetop

A bowl of the 3 Cheese Mac & Cheese topped with Rosemary Bread Crumbs

Stovetop Three Cheese Mac & Cheese

Good Afternoon and Evening my fellow foodies, and culinary adventurers! While many homemade mac and cheese recipes frequently require the oven, let’s exlpore our quick & easy stove top variation. In addition to this recipe, we can create a delicious herbed breadcrumb topper for extra flavor and crunch! Additionally, utilizing our bechamel recipe, you and the kids can experiment with your cheesey variations. The Gus kits switched from requesting restaurant mac or the infamous blue box and now eagerly gobble up the Gourmet Gus 3 Cheese Macaroni! Finally, we hope, you and your kids will hopefully be singing its praises as well.

An image of the ingredients required to make delicious 3 cheese mac and cheese
The little chef sprinkling in cheese to create a mornay sauce to be add to macaroni for 3 cheese mac and cheese

Macaroni & Cheese Everywhere

Macaroni and cheese, a.k.a everyone favorite comfort food, can undergo variations that, inturn, can fit any cuisine or culture. Firstly In United States, it’s often topped with crispy bread crumbs especially with a Southern-style. Secondly, where would macaroni and cheese be without Italy where it’s “maccheroni al forno” feature layers of pasta, cheese, and béchamel sauce. Thirdly, leave it to France to elevate it with “Gratin de Macaronis” a luxurious Gruyère based mac cheese topped with a gratin crust. Lastly, a variation with Indian spices create a new twist with “Masala Mac and Cheese,” which could include infused with aromatic spices such as cumin and turmeric.

Why three in Mac and Cheese

Kids will love cooking as much as eating

Cooking this yummy Gourmet Gus 3 cheese mac and cheese with your kids goes beyond just a tasty meal! In addition, it’s a chance for them to learn lifelong cooking skills, while having fun the kitchen. Plus, they’ll practice reading skills, following directions, and even practicing math by measuring ingredients. So gather your little chefs and let’s make a cheesy mac-sterpiece together! Overall, this dish is super kid friendly with a kid effort score of 2 out of 5.

Attention Parents Cooking with Kids

Parents should use their own discretion in which steps their kids perform and should always prioritize kitchen safety!
Grate the cheese: (Kid Effort Score 3 out of 5) Kids can grate the sharp cheddar, Gruyère, and Fontina cheeses. This task requires supervision and coordination but can be fun and engaging.
Whisk the sauce: (Kid Effort Score 2 out of 5) Kids can help whisk the butter, flour, and milk mixture to create the sauce. It’s a simple task that allows them to actively participate in the cooking process.
Add spices to the sauce: (Kid Effort Score 1 out of 5) Kids can easily measure and add the salt, black pepper, and ground nutmeg to the sauce. It’s a great opportunity for them to practice their measuring skills.
Stir the sauce: (Kid Effort Score 2 out of 5) Kids can take turns stirring the sauce as the cheeses melt. It requires attention and coordination, but it’s an enjoyable task that helps ensure a smooth and creamy sauce.
Combine the sauce with pasta: (Kid Effort Score 2 out of 5) Kids can assist in pouring the cheese sauce over the cooked pasta and stirring everything together. It may require some guidance to ensure even distribution of the sauce.
A bowl of the 3 Cheese Mac & Cheese topped with Rosemary Bread Crumbs

3 cheese mac and cheese, stovetop

Get ready for a cheesy adventure! This super fun recipe lets kids grate the cheese, whisk the sauce, stir it to perfection, and combine it with pasta to create a delicious 3 cheese mac and cheese that'll make everyone smile.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course dinner, Lunch, Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine American
Servings 4 People
Calories 450 kcal


  • 1 Saucepan
  • 1 Whisk
  • 1 Grater
  • Measuring Cups
  • Spatula or Wooden Spoon
  • 1 Pasta pot
  • 1 Strainer


  • 1 Lb Macaroni Noodles, Cooked
  • 4 Tbsp Butter
  • 1/4 Cup All-Purpose Flour
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Ground Black Pepper
  • 1/4 tsp Ground Nutmeg
  • 1 Cup Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Grated
  • 1 Cup Gruyère Cheese, Grated
  • 1 Cup Fontina Cheese, Grated
  • Gourmet Gus Rosemary Bread Crumbs (Optional)


  • Bring water to boil in pasta pot using amount per the pasta box
  • Add pasta and cook per the box instructions.
  • While that is cooking. In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat.
  • Once the butter has melted, add the flour to the pan and whisk continuously for about 2 minutes to cook off the raw flour taste. This creates a roux.
  • Gradually pour in the milk while whisking constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Continue whisking until the mixture thickens and comes to a simmer, about 5 minutes.
  • Reduce the heat to low and add the salt, black pepper, and ground nutmeg. Stir well to incorporate the spices into the sauce.
  • Add the grated sharp cheddar, Gruyère, and Fontina cheeses to the sauce. Stir continuously until the cheeses have melted and the sauce is smooth and creamy.
  • Once the sauce has reached the desired consistency and the cheeses have fully melted, remove the saucepan from the heat.
Keyword 30 minute meal, Basic Cooking Skills, Basic Recipe, Cooking with Kids, Easy Weeknight Dinner, Family-Friendly Recipe, Fun and Easy Family Recipe, Kid-Friendly Recipe, Mealtime Fun for Kids

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